20 Tips to Improve Memory

Shauna Blythe
4 min readAug 31, 2020


Health is the most important. This is one of the most repeated and most accurate phrases that exist, but do you do everything necessary to take care of it as it deserves?

Surely many people when we talk about health think of physical problems, but narrowing down a term as broad as health to the physical is incorrect. Health goes much further and reaches our minds directly. Can we say that we are in good health if we have mental problems? The answer to this question is a resounding no.

Our brain is one of the most important parts of the body and therefore we must take care of it in an optimal way. Thanks to our brain we have the ability to think, feel, make decisions, remember … It is in this last action that many people feel that their brain begins to fail, in memories, that is, in memory.

Memory plays a crucial role in our lives, and thanks to her we retain the knowledge that helps us develop ourselves properly for the world.

Therefore, and in order to have a good memory, it is absolutely necessary to exercise it optimally. To achieve this objective, today we are going to explain how to exercise memory through some tips.

Before entering with the memory tips you must be clear about certain aspects. In order to improve and increase memory, it is essential that you know what it is and how it works, in addition, you should be sure of how your memory is at the moment and immediately recognize any type of problem that you find in it. Once the problem is recognized, you must always maintain a positive attitude, that will help you to be consistent with the memory training that you consider.

Tips to keep your memory active

  • Be an active person: avoid passivity and carry out activities that make us feel useful and that we are part of society.
  • Take care of your diet by eating healthy and trying to sleep 6 to 8 hours a day, in order to feel well-rested and help the brain to function better.
  • Relating to people is crucial, it “forces” us to be active, to use language, and to start our heads.
  • Get oxygenated properly and practice relaxation through breathing.
  • Never stop learning new things: show concern and desire to learn, to be impressed by knowledge. Never lose your curiosity to know more.
  • Be independent. Don’t let others help you in everything.
  • The word games: Currently there are many games that help to practice the language in a way that helps us not forget the words. In addition to word games, board games also help stimulate the mind.
  • Laugh Never stop smiling as laughter removes the stress that, in many cases, is the culprit of memory problems.
  • Never stop counting the battles: tell all your memories to children, grandchildren, neighbors … and if they no longer want to hear them, try to keep a diary or some memories in which to capture all your memories every day.
  • Introduce new features in your day-to-day to avoid falling into monotony.
  • Stimulates all the senses, smelling flowers, listening to classical music, seeing beautiful works of art….
  • Let the imagination fly. This is very useful and very easy to do. Imagining the end of a movie or a book that is being read, putting a face on people as they emerge in conversations …
  • Reading is tremendously useful, as one of the benefits of reading is that it helps with memory problems by stimulating it.
  • Look around you and list everything you see on the streets.
  • Perform physical exercise.
  • Listen to the radio and myrrh cultural programs on television.
  • Explain your knowledge to the little ones around you.
  • Keep our environment orderly.
  • Look at old photos and videos.
  • Write letters, recipes, or anything else that interests us.

There are many more tips for memory, but the best we can tell you is that you are always happy and above all, understanding, even today you do not have memory problems, but nobody knows what will happen in the future.



Shauna Blythe

Writer, Blogger, Entrepreneur and Graphic Artist .Personal Development & Mindset Writer.